Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Hey, all you new and infrequent Moose

How am I supposed to keep up?  5 new diaries a day?  Introductions demanding welcoming responses?  And fogiv wants me to be banging on stuff and Peter’s gone on a nostalgia trip re-living MyDD by re-posting his ancient and profound reflections on progressive and democratic values…

How’s a Moose supposed to keep up?  This is why I never posted on KOS, though I always check the morning pundit round-up.  MyDD in its day was even a bit much for me to handle.  But at least a good percentage of the folks there were trolls who could be played with or ignored.  How am I supposed to handle this increase in thoughtfulness?

Welcome to all the newbies and those who have popped in over the years when I have been popped out.  If I haven’t gotten to your diary it’s only because of…well…that life stuff we all need to do in order to facilitate our blogging.  It’s not lack of interest.  However the KOS mess resolves, I hope you’ll keep MM in your rotation (or on your bookmark tool bar or whatever).  I’ve always enjoyed the relative intimacy of this forum (Blask, take your filthy virtual hand off my flabby virtual [I’ll let you finish that one in your heads so the visual will be partly your responsibility]) but I also have thought it a shame that more haven’t participated and benefited.  If I get a tad cantankerous, most of the time it’s me and not you (though not always).  Hope to see you all around for a good long time.



  1. Progressive Witness

    If I weren’t left-handed and thus requiring lefty axes, I’d be drooling on my keyboard right now.

    My own electric, a tobacco-sunburst (Mexican-built) Telecaster is in the pawn shop right now.  I hocked it so I could afford a trip to Minneapolis see KT Tunstall play.  I’ll be able to bail it out soon.  I hope.


  2. GlenThePlumber

    I’ve been told…

    nOObs should remain silent and observant

    but I don’t listen well…I hope you increased your bandwidth to allow for bubbanomics…he keeps clogging up the intertubes, I keep trying to flush him down, but he keeps coming back up…. yes, I do plan on returning to read and visit…sorry…I’ve already been  assaulted by that Chris Blask guy…it felt sooo good…nice to see your mommy got you a gift for graduating, what junior high?….is that your ban hammer?

  3. scribe

    How’s a Moose supposed to keep up?  This is why I never posted on KOS, though I always check the morning pundit round-up.  MyDD in its day was even a bit much for me to handle.  But at least a good percentage of the folks there were trolls who could be played with or ignored.  How am I supposed to handle this increase in thoughtfulness?

    Guess you’ll have to suck it up and deal. This is what you get when you leave the front door wide open and put out a welcome mat: just about anybody can stroll in, stagger in, or in my case, roll in on my nifty black three wheeler plastered with Harley stickers.

    Nice to meet ya, strummer  🙂 Can you play that thing? Where can I hear you?  

  4. sricki

    but congrats on the PhD Strum. You have achieved MY dream, though in a different field.

    And your grad present is gorgeous, even to this musically ignorant woman. 😉

    This thread has turned out excellent — I’ve got new music ideas to explore. Many thanks for this diary.

  5. Broke and Unemployed

    It was great. Our local Balloon-A-Fair was today in Ravenna, OH. We get a birds-eye-view from the 4th floor of our building, and get to watch the parade in our pajamas while eating a home-cooked breakfast. There they were, the Tea Party with their brand new pickup truck and smug little smiles on their faces.

    I dangled my “Yes We Can” shirt out the window and yelled “Boooooo” and “Go Home!” and “This is a working class town!”, which it is. My friends didn’t like this too much, but oh well.

    The rest of the parade was great though, lots of tractors, old cars, and marching bands. We’re off to eat some ribs now, funnel cakes later, and drink many beers tonight. We might be able to see the hot air balloons and fireworks in the distanced from our roof tonight.

    Balloon-A-Fair is always fun for us, we look forward to it every year. Tea is not on the menu today.

  6. Julie Gulden

    Been a crazy week..Mr. G’s battery died on his ICD (pacemaker/defibrillator) so it was off to Mayo Hospital in Phoenix to get a new one. Then after being home 1 day, his chest around the incision turned bright red, about the size of luncheon plate. So, off to Mayo again. Turned out it was a “dermatological” reaction to some chemical they used. BIG sigh of relief.

    So, I’m totally out of the loop. Then when I checked in here it said in bright red letters, “Julie Gulden, please log out”. I got so skeert that I hit it, only to find out I had truly logged out and had no clue what my password was to log back in. This is the point where Mr. G. would give me a “look” and say, “way to go Blondie.”

    Anyhoo, just checking in to see what everyone’s up to…and hope life is treating you all well.

    • Strummerson

      Pigat is a conservatory trained classical guitarist and composer (U of Toronto, I think) who has a mad mad Rockabilly outfit called Cousin Harley, but is also a working session guy who plays just about everything.  He’s been employed by Neko Case and Jakob Dylan and many others.  This is a folk project he just did.  Great rendition of “Brother Can You Spare a Dime?” and others, some originals as well I think.  He also plays pretty amazing blues, jazz, and western swing.

      If I were a producer, I’d try and set up a rockabilly version of the ‘three tenors’ with Setzer, Darrel Higham, and Pigat.  Paul’s also a real gent.

      Speaking of Setzer, have you ever heard “Ghost Radion, the tune he wrote with Joe?

    • sricki

      But I haven’t heard of some of the others you mentioned here… Going to check them out on YouTube. Any specific recommendations?

      (Sricki <3’s music thread so muchhhhhh.)

      • fogiv

        Isn’t Paul Pigat a rockabilly guy? Am I remembering that right? I was pretty clued in to the western Canadian music scene (Vancouver, in particular) for a while.  Lost of good stuff from that neck of the woods: Cameron Latimer, Be Good Tanyas, Pernell Reichert, The Breakmen, Fools & Kings.

        Thanks for the heads up.

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