Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Welcome Mat: Q&A Continued

It seems we are approaching the magical 200 comment mark in the first Q&A diary. In order to keep everyone running smoothly, please use the fresh comment thread below to continue the Q&A conversation.

It has come to our attentions that we have had a few new members to the Herd come strollin’ in over the past couple of days. We love seeing the fresh new faces joining us for the fresh new year. We are proud of the inclusive nature of the Moose and adding new voices to the conversation is a large part of what fosters it.

First and foremost: a hearty Welcome! to you all…please make yourselves right at home…you are amongst friends. We are happy to have you join our motley family and we hope that you find the accommodations to your liking. /grin


I am sure that y’all have questions about the purple shores you have landed on…hopefully this diary will answer some of them. Please ask those that are unanswered in the comments.

Please join me below…

Ok, now that I have y’all reading this far…please take the time (if you have not already done so) to read our About Us and Posting Guidelines. Our Posting Guidelines are fairly cut and dry…we wanted it that way to avoid any confusion. Easy to read and easy to remember…no excuses.


Another source of Moosey info is our Insider’s Guide to Motley Moose, where you can find some of the unwritten ‘rules’ and traditions of Motley Moose (but, realize, new traditions are always being made!).


Here are a few other helpful tips that will ease your way:

  • Our comment threads tend to become ‘unmanageable’ at about the 200 comment mark. Things get boggy and can really frustrate those with slower machines. So, when a comment thread is hopping and has reached that point…just start a ‘Part Deux’ diary to continue the conversation.
  • It cannot be said too many times…write about whatever you are passionate about. Be it politics, photography, poetry, weather, books, movies, or your new puppy…really, whatever interests you is bound to interest other Moose.
  • Think of our comment threads as dinner table conversations. We start with the assumption that all come to the conversation with good intentions and go from there. If you get upset or angry, get up from the table and step outside for a bit. Things can still get heated here at times (/raises hand in guilt), but, we do tend to make peace quickly and continue working towards finding common ground.
  • You may find that Preview while writing a diary is a frustrating experience. The font, spacing, and general ‘look’ do not accurately depict the way the diary will look once published. In order to see it properly, select Draft, then Preview, then SAVE (as draft). Viewing the saved Draft allows you to see the diary as it will be posted. It adds a couple steps but, in the long run, it can save time in editing.
  • To post YouTube clips, please select “use old embed” code when embedding. Soapblox does not accept iframes as valid tags. Also, when posting video OR images, please avoid ones exceeding 500px in width because it distorts the formatting of the site (and be aware of how far to the right margin you are in a comment thread…if it is a long thread the images should be even smaller).

That is all that is coming to my mind in these wee hours, I am sure I am missing a lot…but, that is what the comments are for!

Ask away…I’m sure that someone will be able to answer whatever is puzzling you.

If you would rather ask something in not so public a manner…just Email Us.

Consider this an Open Thread…have at it!




  1. Lorinda Pike

    Wow. Sure is quiet around here. Everyone must be doing something productive somewhere else…


  2. Jk2003

    Followed a linky thing from dkos and read a bit and am happy to be here.  Sure are a lot of familiar names up in here.

    A bit of info re: me

    Stay at home mom, also a veterinarian ( I may one day return but at this point we are happy to scrape by and be a family)

    Liberal and reality based.  Army brat growing up helped with that I think.  Live in the Chicago burbs.  Hubby is a manager at a small independent union grocery store int the burbs.  My house is up for sale so that is stressful with the two kids being constant messmakers.

    Enjoy reading mostly, commenting some and dairying occasionally only.

  3. ursoklevar

    I am urso, the lurker lady, and I appreciate the warm welcome and the sight of so many beloved friends here. Hearts and hugs all around.

  4. Moozmuse

    lured back to dk by the orange siren’s song. I intend to spend  more time here (as my work allows, ahem!) in the future, so I’m looking forward to getting to know people better in a smaller, more intimate and less polarized atmosphere.

    Cheers, translatorpro

  5. SallyCat

    I really like the pace of the diaries. It helps to be able to get some real world work done, come back and still be involved in the conversations.

    Now, back to that productive real world stuff. ;^/

  6. Regina in a sears kit house

    There is more time to peruse and reply than I have become accustomed to.

    I hope we will leave the place cleaned up after our newcomers’ party. We do like fun you know .

    Hai everyone, back up in Redmond, Washinton. It is deep midwinter here. That makes it dark and grey: the trees are dark green and suck up all the light that’s left.

    Putting things away and hoping we didn’t bring too much from the Kit House.

    Harry is never too much, and Regina awaits her turn to be with us.

    Boxes everywhere but getting the temporary apt in order will go better than we expect.

    We need a name for this place, and a new way of living.

    Our over one hundred year old home is named, variously as: The Kit House; the farmette; O’Pear Lair; Pine Grove, reflecting location and meaning.

    This is a temporary refuge and not much to our liking (we are terribly spoiled). We are hoping to be in a jumping off place for greater horizons after treatment, which should commence shortly, getting a handle on our finances, fixing up what’s left to do at the Kit House from a base here.

    We are trying to keep a positive attitude so what shall we name this…?

  7. earicicle

    Is this purple thing on?  Feels very weird to go from Comment #27,405 elsewhere to Comment #1 somewhere new, but I’m diving in. I have to say that the Moose looks friendly, so I guess I shouldn’t be scared.

    After a terrifying 2012 IRL, I’m planning on a happier 2013 all the way around. Looking forward to giving this new purple thingie a try. I do love orange, but purple always was my favorite color as a kid.

    Love to all,


  8. justme

    My crazy time has begun, and I’ve already spent the entire day running down students, trying to set things up for my courses, trying to fix old PowerPoints and gabbin’ in the office.

    I’ll leave for home in just a matter of minutes, and I have to admit, it’s very pleasant just peeking in here and finding friendly, non-combative names …

    Now, the question is, do I stop for a bottle of wine on my way home?  Hmmmm ….

  9. broths

    I just joined and became legal today. Looking forward to some peace over here. Glad to see some names I recognize.  

  10. Mortifyd

    I’m a bit slow about those things, alas.

    I’m a Southerner who up and Pacific North Wested it to Oregon, currently visiting my parental units in the swamps of Louisiana.  Sailing fanatic, usually liveaboard, planning for the first leg of my circumnavigation in a CAL 25 this summer once the Oregon weather changes.  I consider myself an adopted Oregonian.

    Flamingly liberal, somewhat orthodox Neo-chassidic Breslover Jew, somewhat autistic but I try not to be too literal when I can see that might not be the intent.  Sometimes I don’t see it – it’s very OK to tell me I missed the intent when I do.  I live with my parents right now while the weather is crap – I just couldn’t take another winter on the water after the last 3 in Astoria.  My parents are FOXbots. And birthers.  And pretty much every other horrid FOXbot conspiracy theory you can imagine, they’re on it. sigh

    Writer of sorts, perpetual anthro student, language nut.  Currently obsessed with Korean language – if anyone is fluent I love the opportunity to practice – I read and write LONG before I speak whatever is the latest language to be gobbled up. Francophone – lived in Belgium so I do have an accent – big fan of TV5Monde because it’s my dialect. 😛  

    So… yeah.  That’s about it for now for an intro.

  11. allensl

    Just wandered over from the GOS – it’s kinda weird to see comment threads where there are 200 comments and no jerks.

    To introduce myself:  I’m from Alaska and am hoping to read posts on how to be more of an activist.  That was my hope on DKos (doubt anybody will know my username since I didn’t diary and rarely commented), but it seemed that there was more jousting than educational stuff.  Or maybe I’m just whining.  😉

  12. SheltieMan

    I promise not to bite your sister… 😉

    I’m still thinking about my sig line. I’m only on my first cuppa coffee…

    Formerly Question Authority on DKos…now SheltieMan.

  13. American in Bangkok

    with older kids visiting with spouses/partners, and running them around doing the sightseeing stuff.  But, I wanted to take a sec to tell more about myself than I’ve done over there in Orange – mostly because now that I’m recently retired, I feel a bit freer to do so, I guess.  And, well the smaller space full of familiar names helps of course!

    In Myers-Briggs parliance, I’m an INFP, which is, of course, the Idealist. Fits me in terms of temperment, but a life spent in the international development field, living in a variety of places (6 years in Nepal, 4 years in Ethiopia, 2nd year now in Thailand), and working in countless others, has tempered my idealism with a healthy dose of appreciation for the practical, the doable, the incremental steps that can lead to something bigger and better if you’re clever enough or lucky enough, to get the foundations, and persuasive arguments, and the timing right.  Or something.  🙂  

    I’m passionate about equality in all its forms, about the environment, about creating a place where we all agree that there is a certain level of basic human dignity that we’re all entitled to by virtue of being human.  That we live in one world, and that the problems of the world don’t stay neatly in their little corners, and so even non-Idealists should care about shrinking glaciers in Nepal, or starving children in Subsaharan Africa, or unsafe and poorly funded schools in inner cities in the US.  And one of the results of being raised in an extremely religious conservative household is having been raised with enough patriotism to really want my country to be at the vanguard of the move to heal our planet, and build a society committed to giving everyone good healthcare, good education, good opportunities, and hope for a brighter future.  So, I tear up at the anthem, silly as that seems, and am happy to also work my tail off to elect more and better allies to see if we can somehow all make a difference together.

    Oh, and for me it’s not a question of pooties or woozles.  It’s both.  At times there have been many of both, depending on the number of near death critters that found their way to the doorstep, but at the moment, two tibetan mastiffs and a Nepali street mutt share the home with a gorgeous jet black pootie from Ethiopia with the most amazing green eyes.   Life would be far less rich without their little pawprints all over it…

  14. Denver11

    Checking things out.

    I love pie … (Key Lime my favorite) but hate wars and flamethrowers (and the True Believers that tend to carry them around) so thought I’d approach this the way I do most social gatherings … hang around the edges …. maybe toss in a comment now and then, and if kindred spirits find kindred issues …. 🙂

Comments are closed.