When Miss Mayta looked around the other day and noticed that many of her favorite bloggers were missing, she followed a trail of purple breadcrumbs which led her to The Motley Moose.
Turns out they weren’t missing after all … they were just meesing!
What she discovered delighted her: “Progress through Politics” (::swoon::) … polite discourse (::double swoon::) … potential for puns (::triple swoon::) … a pleasant purple haze (no, not that purple haze … please … this is Miss Mayta we are talking about!).
Quietly lurking, she made note of her new surroundings and felt a remarkable transformation taking place:
Okay, maybe not THAT MUCH of a transformation … but this one for sure:

So Meese Mehta signed up … because this was obviously her alliterative home:
Meese Mehta at the Motley Moose.
(And because, as Portlaw said: “Living seems to be easier here. eom”.)
Many Moose (MM!) had already sought the wise counsel of Meese Mehta as they were unsure of the protocols for Blogging in Purple (and like most computer users, they don’t read the help guides). Never one to let a lack of knowledge as to how things work stand in the way of butting in giving out advice, Meese Mehta willingly weighed in (MMww!):
Dear Meese Mehta:
Isn’t this Shangri La? I saw fighting in the comment threads in one of the articles and Harsh Recriminations. And where are the unicorns???Signed,
Completely Disillusioned
Dear CD,
No, this is not Shangri La … or even Iowa. The folks who run the site assume that everyone blogging here is an Adult and believe that adults are entitled to share their opinions as long as they are respectful of others. When the opinions turn into insults and the gentle reminders to tone things down (or to take a break) do not seem to be working, a moderation team (much like a Hazmat team but without the cool uniforms) moves in. The Request Moderation button causes a summoning of Moose Moderators (MM!) … although be careful as it may also cause unintentionalhilaritynuclear attacks on Canada. I point you to the FAQ and Posting Guidelines for more information (note: “clicking the link” should be followed by “reading the words”).p.s. No unicorns.
Dear Meese Mehta:
This place has no mojo. I cannot tell how well loved I am unless my worth is measured by the number (and height!) of graphical bars shown on my profile, my number of followers, and my lower-than-yours uid (and why is it called “personid” here … sounds like socialism!). Why can’t I transfer my mojo (and followers) from other web sites in order to burnish my blogging credentials? And when do I get my pony???Signed,
Totally Unloved
Dear TU,
The worthiness of your blogging self is not measured by mojo or counts of followers. It is measured by your words and your deeds and the everyday kindness you show to those who you share pixelated space with. Here and now, not there and then.As far as your followers: if you blog it, they will find you. Really.
p.s. No pony.
Dear Meese Mehta:
I can’t stop smiling!!! Every time I turn around there is an old friend or a new friend or something that makes me laugh or something that moves me to tears or something that teaches me!!! ::tips over from exhaustion::I want to give ♥ and cyberhugs to everyone: (((you))), (((you))), and ((( kirbybruno )))!!!.
When will I sleep? Do I need to sleep? If I go to sleep will I wake up to find I’ve been dreaming???
Can’t Stop Blogging
Dear CSB,
Stop blogging and go to bed!!! We will all be here when you wake up!!! And look what you have done to Meese Mehta’s exclamation point!!! (One moment while I compose myself). Okay, better.Seriously though, smiling is okay. But remember: it is only a blog. If you find yourself not smiling, step away, hug your loved ones and your furry friends, walk outside and enjoy the gifts from the goddess. And then come back because your online friends miss you!!! (oops, there I go again … darned things are contagious).
p.s. (((CSB)))
Do you have a question for Meese Mehta? The lines InterToobz are open…

About Meese Mehta: Born a perfect blogger in an imperfect Internet society, Meese Mehta is the pioneer mother of today’s online meta etiquette movement. Her tireless efforts to expand the understanding and exercise of metaquette beyond the stereotypical terror of not having enough Cheetos will (I sincerely hope) escape official notice so as not to result in her banning. As a manners-free existence can lead to frequent FAIL, maddening MEH, dysfunctional online communities, and keyboard rage, she calls out for, nay!, demands common courtesy…and the fork on the left side of the plate (even though that makes no sense at all).
(With apologies to Judith Martin)
h/t Lars for her madd photoshop skillz in transforming Miss Mayta into Meese Mehta. YOU ROCK!!