Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Morning Check-in and Open Thread for the Moose People

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

If you are new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, or Meh. Just Meh.

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

Here is a great link to have open in a tab: Motley Moose Recent Comments


This is pretty darned easy to remember … the posting rules for a new diary:

Be excellent to each other… or else

From Kysen’s keyboard to your eyes:

Think of our comment threads as dinner table conversations. We start with the assumption that all come to the conversation with good intentions and go from there. If you get upset or angry, get up from the table and step outside for a bit.

For those looking for a second chance to make a first impression, that is very good advice.



  1. Khloe

    Wind Chill of -6. The wind died down and it wasn’t as bad out as expected. Still made for a quiet night at work. Those are always the best kind.

    It’s almost tropical outside this morning.  😉

     photo Catcanary_zpsc4698930.jpg

  2. Moozmuse

    There be some scary stuff going on in the universe, too much sadness and too much loneliness coming through on the blogs these days. We need to connect with our fellow Moozoog AND hoomins better, but I’m so far away that phoning isn’t an option. Written words are not always enough – any ideas about what the heck is going on?

    Chilly in Deutschland, freezing, but clear and sunny. Snow phase seems to be over for now, but colder weather forecast for the next few days.

  3. so I will ask it here.

    I am starting a diary series that will be by multiple people: Food, glorious food!

    I don’t know if there are ways here on the Moose to coordinate this, or if other people have done series that have multiple authors. I am fine with just anyone posting whenever, and using a title starting with Food glorious food.

    But if people have advice, I’m listening (well, really, I’m reading).  

  4. iriti

    14 this morning, heading for a high of 25, which is not as low as we were supposed to get and a raise of the forecase high so I guess I should consider it balmy.

    Good sleeping weather.

    Got prednisone for my poison ivy so now I can stop itching and burning and puff up like a balloon instead.

     photo incaseyoudonotknow.jpg

  5. DavidW

    And I’m not sure which is worse? Hurricanes or our nasty governor? But I will take 70s over 0 this week. Makes it all worthwhile I guess?

  6. wordsinthewind

    this morning, after it burns off it should be a nice day. In the meantime I’m really glad we don’t need to be anywhere so we can wait this out safely. It’s supposed to make it into the mid 70s today-that’s a warm up all right.

  7. blue jersey mom

    I have to be in the office on Friday, and it is supposed to snow. School starts again on Monday. I have two small classes. this makes up for last semester. The good news is that the builders have started to repair our house.

  8. pittiepat

    into colder territory tomorrow.  There is a high of 66 forecast for the middle of next week.  The family member who just relocated from Alaska to Florida is grumpy about having to once again don long pants.  Poor baby.

  9. DeniseVelez

    to type in my office.

    Just popping in – before I become an icicle

    Now back to work – first day of school tomorrow

  10. bill d

    but it is supposed to get to mid seventies so I donned a short sleeve polo this morning in anticipation.

    Ready for this short window of beautiful weather.

    Hope everyone is well.

  11. LabWitch

    i’ll come back and rec comments in a bit.  i’ve been asked to post Wednesday Woozles here, not to cross post it from the orange site but one under my own name.  now i gotta figger out how to post pix.  this may take a while.  coffee still hasn’t completely kicke in.

    should i use the intro from the another pootie diary posted here?  ah, questions questions.

  12. princesspat

    She has just (wonderfully and effectively) lost her temper with the stupid R talking points.

    Good morning everyone….36°, dark and rainy in Bellingham today. I care for the grand girls again today, and have my PT pool time so I’ll be busy.

  13. mahakali overdrive

    Raining and cold here, always a fine combination. About to head to work soon. It’s earlier than TIME right about now.

    Missed Moose-ville.

  14. slksfca

    It’s postitively tropical here (low 50s), and (no surprise) along with that mild temperature rain is on the way. Which always makes me think of this:

  15. Aji

    That’s now up to 14; actual temp is 21.  More melt today, which means more mud.  Oh, well – they’re saying possible snow for Saturday, which might take care of some of that.

    Not feeling so hot today; I guess I wasn’t quite as over this thing as I thought.  And I will likely be a GOS refugee for today, to the extent that I’m online.

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