When I allow myself, usually out of boredom, to follow the ‘you might like this’ trail on YouTube….I find myself in the strangest places.
This afternoon was one of those experiences. I can’t even tell you where I started my Sunday afternoon travels…but, will share with you a couple of the videos at the end of my journey. I will also include a couple of the ‘treasures’ found during past ‘I just fell through the Youtube rabbit hole’ adventures.

These are some of the strangest Youtube clips I have come across. The first two are the ones that sparked this diary…I just came across them today. A couple of them are ones I used on my ‘Troll Roll’ way back during the MyDD days. Back then posting bizarre vid clips in reply to trolls was the MyDD version of the dKos Recipes tactic. Each of them, in their own right, makes me laugh or cringe or furrow my brow in confusion. I hope they do the same for you. /grin
So, sit back and enjoy stare in bemusement.

This one really weirded me out at first. I initially believed she had had some sort of insane form of body modification (BagelHeads come to mind). I quickly realized it was just an uber bizarre computer edited clip…something tipped me off, see if you can figure out what it was.
I think this one may haunt my dreams. All I can say about it is…..”Da fuuuuuuck?”
This is one from my old Troll Roll. They are all just so…earnest.
Here is my all time favorite of the ‘Literal Videos’…I think I cried when I watched it for the first time. It is just that moving. /grin
On the off chance that some poor Moose out there that has not yet been introduced to the world of the Honey Badger….
Last, for now, is an oldie but goodie…this is a show that I wish was shown in re-runs during the wee hours.
Please share your favorite weird/funny/wtf Youtube finds…I can’t be the ONLY one who ‘falls into Youtube’ (don’t even get me started on ‘falling into Google’…THAT is plain dangerous!).