Hello Mooz. This is a repost of a favorite diary, I hope you don’t mind. I thought it would be a semi-introduction as well as a sample of my sometimes, stream of conciousness writing style and maybe a mid winter pick me up.
If it’s ok, I’d like to resume my self adopted role as a diversion, an interlude from the difficult stuff we sometimes have to wade through. Writing helps me cope a little better, I hope reading my work helps you as well.
Please note that there are unintentionally ‘linked’ paragraphs throughout. The coding in the preceding pic produced it, but as hard as I tried, I couldn’t remove it. Sorry.

There is no way for me to prove, regretting now I never kept a journal of my 22 winters here in Chicago so I could point to a notation on a page, yes, this is definitely the earliest I’ve ever seen bees. It was March 7th when I muddied my knees to take this photo. The ground still not frozen and no crusty inches of dirty snow creating havoc for crocus shoots struggling to make their stand, instead in full bloom now in swaths across front yard lawns everywhere.
So many purple and orange reasons to be cheerful under clear blue skies after weeks of uninterrupted sun incubating their arrival, stirring expectations of long lazy days that start warm and end warmer. A short sleeve shirt and moist sweaty skin a prescription for anything that ails me. The six month unwelcome and emotionally debilitating hibernation of winter as I experience it and have learned to dread, the sunless skies, the grey after clouded over grey never came to be this year. My body and psyche so grateful for the unexpected reprieve.