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The Lounge: Racer Sez Meet teh Family!

My name is Racer and I sit on my hoomin Mom’s lap every morning, unless Atticus beats me to it, while Mom reads the herd check in.

This morning some folks said Mom should post my picture but she didn’t know how on her iPad.  So I talked her into using her regular ‘puter and here I am reading the sports page of the paper…

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So I thought you would like to meet the other 8 pooties in our family!

Dis is Peanut but we call him Nutty because he’s the peanutiest!

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Gracie Rose is special because she sits up like a  prarie dog.

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Lily is shy and a very good girl!

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You’ve met Sadie before and she is getting much better!

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Pretty Belle in the kitchen window.

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Here’s Paddy!

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And Atticus, he’s smart!

Atticus photo CIMG1056.jpg


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So that’s us and now you know what we look like when Mom talks about us.  But don’t forget, I, Racer, am the main lap cat!


  1. Avilyn

    They’re all so cute!  I don’t know how you manage with 8 though, wow!  Major props!  My two are enough of a handful for  me.  🙂

  2. dear occupant

    Atticus looks exactly like a cat i had years ago, Shadow. also wicked smart. he really liked to play hide and seek, i would find harder and harder spots to hide, make some intriguing noise that he would of course have to investigate and when he found me, i would play the mockmonster game, scaring him. he ran away only to come looking for me again.

    he could play that game for hours, he was great.

    thanks for sharing your family pics, now i can put a face to a story when you tell it.

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