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Thursday Morning Herd Check-in: Greetings of the Moosekin

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

The morning check-in is an open thread posted to give you a place to visit with the meeses. Feel free to chat about your weather, share a bit of your life, grump (if you must), rave (if you can). The diarist du jour sometimes posts and runs, other times sticks around for a bit, often returns throughout the day and always cares that meeses are happy … or at least content.

If you are new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, or Meh. Just Meh.

– Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does.

– Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment thread gets longer, it takes a bit to reload and the comment may not display as quickly. Clicking the Post button twice posts the comment twice. (h/t Khloe)

– When creating a new diary, remember to choose the Draft option (near the bottom) while you are working on it. Choose the Public option when you want to publish it. (h/t Khloe)

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

Here is a great link to have open in a tab: Motley Moose Recent Comments


From our news team:

Open News Thread – Wednesday through Saturday


If you are a new moose (or an old moose) looking for a second chance to make a first impression, you can start right here.



  1. blue jersey mom

    I am up early and drinking coffee. It is still dark, and it is only 30 degrees outside. It is supposed to warm up later–I hope so.

  2. iriti

    Havin’ a full blown cranky day this morning. Look out world because I.Am.Not.In.The.Mood.

    Nevertheless, hope everyone has a lovely day.

     photo thelastperson.jpg

  3. rfall

    Up until just now to deal with my team in India–it’s 4 PM over there as I post this.

    They’re a good crew, but the bean-counters high up in organizations who think offshoring IT development is a great way to save money should be forced to undertake a few off-shored projects of their own.

  4. DeniseVelez

    I won’t be around much until later this morning – have to stay over at GOS cause I have a diary due at 10AM EST for the Okiciyap (we help) Quilt auction, and haven’t finished it.

    I wish I could afford to bid on the quilt myself 🙂

    It is so lovely.  

  5. Portlaw

    Homeland. Am rushing to get to acupuncture and then my day will start. For sklsfca, Wachet auf! For Denise, the station is WQXR and for everyone, tranquility and energy in the amounts you need!

  6. Jk2003

    It is 23 degrees going up to 47 and partly sunny (I don’t believe them about the sun anymore).  I am home inspection/lawyer hell.  Everything is going fine but home buying and selling is so complicated these days.   It has been lawyered all to hell.  Sorry for the early morning rant.  My new house is going to be great and I can’t wait to get to work on it.  Deep breath…

  7. I had a talk with my manager yesterday and told her I want to retire/quit by mid-June.

    Attended a talk last night about surviving extreme heat events. It’s a deadly killer. Today is 24˚ and not one of those events.

    Gotta go eat breakfast and head to work. Have fun here.

  8. Mr. Hourly says it will get in the high 40s today. And maybe above 50 tomorrow! Hard to believe at this point. I will not hold my breath. On the other hand, aside from recent past experience, there is every other reason to believe spring will come.

    Still plenty on the list for the day, including more of that paperwork stuff I committed to for the week. I’m about half done addressing the invitations and need to get back to the catering lady.

    And it would be fun (???) to go find a new dress for the commissioning ceremony. I’m actually highly skeptical because I rarely find shopping fun. It’s fun if I can go to ONE store, trying on 2 or 3 things at most, and find just the right thing at a good price. Otherwise, not that much fun.

    Okay, let’s put it this way, it would be fun to HAVE a new dress for the commissioning ceremony.  

  9. nchristine

    get to near, or just above, 50F today.  It got to 45 yesterday afternoon.

    Found a couple more pgms needed on my machine at work.  Still don’t have access to ’employee services’.  Was given a list of tasks that need to be done by the end of the year (‘filler’ work, wish lists type stuff).  Figuring things out.  My holiday schedule now follows the NY Stock Exchange, so tomorrow is a holiday!!!  Looking forward to the long weekend.

  10. LeftOverFlowerChild

    Already in the lower 60’s and headed for 70 or so today. Little muggy, kind of a surprise after all the windy weather as of late. Enjoying a little spinning time before jumping into the day.

    At the computer earlier than usual this morning–The youngest son is up and dressed and ready for school without the usual  measure of mom prompts. Track meet for him today. Last one of the season, thank goodness. Freshman sports will be over and done for us after this meet.

    Happy Thursday!

  11. Diana in NoVa

    morning here in northern Virginia.  Have to do lots of housework today–having the family over for Easter dinner.  Got to hard-cook (apparently you’re not supposed to say “boil”) some eggs for Princess Pink Cheeks to dye after school tomorrow.

    Only one more scene to write for m’other granddaughter’s birthday short story, have mapped out all the scenes for the seasonal story, so I’m feeling good about that this morning!

    Wish it would warm up–we’ve got to put the strawberry bed together before the strawberry plants arrive, and also construct the waist-high vegetable gardening container that we hope will spare our aching backs.

    It was great to see the full moon last night!  That’s a rare event in this area.  As a rule clouds or rain render the sight of a full moon impossible. However, there She was, looking cold, white, and in need of a nice warm pashmina or something.

    Everyone have a good day!

  12. anotherdemocrat

    had to wear a sweater this morning – I’m remembering to enjoy that, though, because all too soon, it’ll be 80 already when I leave the house in the morning

    Eating breakfast – if I keep on with this eating plan, I’ll buy the granola, I didn’t do sucha good job making my own (undercooked it then burned it when I tried to fix that)

    A friend’s Smiths tribute band is playing Friday night. Wish I could go, the Smiths always made me feel happy. Weird, I know. Probably just “in comparison”. If you never listened to them, think Eyore, as a militant vegan, unable to get a date – then set it to brilliantly catchy guitar-driven pop. Johnny Marr is my guitar god. (a lesser god than Clapton, still pretty godlike)

    Today: work, church. I love Maundy Thursday & Good Friday services. So dark & somber & dramatic. We strip the church – take everything out. Back when we had a sunrise service, part of the procession was bringing everything back in. I miss that.

  13. pittiepat

    to hit the 60s in a few days.  Had the opportunity last evening to fuss at my landlord about the state of ice mitigation on the sidewalks.  He makes sure the parking area is plowed quickly and well but icy sidewalks, not so much.  Knee is still sore but so much better than yesterday.  Took my sweet old time and got down the stairs with no trouble at all — have to get to the grocery store.

  14. to our Fabulous Future Daughter-in-law! She is 24 today.

    She’s finishing her 2-year stint teaching very poor children in the Mississippi Delta, and then will head to University of Michigan in Ann Arbor for a graduate degree in public policy. And then she will marry our son and make the best of it, depending on where he is stationed.

    And hopeful congratulations to Son, who should be finishing his master’s thesis to be turned in today. School is almost over, young man — just hang in there a little bit longer!  

  15. wordsinthewind

    which the sun will burn off in short order, we’re supposed to hit 80 degrees today. I am so ready for winter to be over even though we’re probably going to have one of those hot and dry relentless summers. It’s still better than being cold.

  16. bfitzinAR

    not supposed to get out of the 50s for the next 48 hours last I heard.  May or may not have rain with it (which we could use but is nasty to walk home in).  A simple procedure made impossible by a software I can’t get into has to be resolved today and I’m heading that direction as soon as I finish my coffee.  I can’t face this crap without coffee 🙂  Y’all take care, bf

  17. trs

    The flu – it sucketh. Therapy cat is on duty and Tamiflu is being ingested, as long as it stays down (it gives me an upset stomach). Ok, enough whining for today.

    Kidlet started her spring break today – she gets her driver’s license on Tuesday, but who’s counting…

  18. Pam from Calif

    These diaries are to promote the Okiciyap Quilt Auction which will directly benefit Okiciyap Food Pantry and Childrens Center.

    Please visit, read & recommend them.  

    The Auction Has Begun.


    This quilt is not invisible- Okiciyap is Lakota for ‘we help’ and we can help auction it ~ Denise Oliver Velez

    Okiciyap Quilt Guild Auction. We Help. That’s What It’s All About. ~ radical simplicity

    Okiciyap Quilt Auction: Let the Bidding Begin ~ GreyHawk

    Okiciyap Quilt Auction benefit begins Wednesday. Help the people of Cheyenne River ~ Meteor Blades

    Okiciyap – We Help ~ OPOL

    DK Quilt Guild & Okiciyap Quilt Auction: Why this Quilt ~ leu2500

    Okiciyap Dkos Auction Quilt ~ BeadLady

    Of Quilts and History: The Okiciyap Quilt Auction ~ winifred3

    DK Quilt Guild: Okiciyap Quilt Auction~We Quilt For Others ~ Pam from Calif

    Feeding the Body, Feeding the Spirit: Okiciyap (We Help) ~ Aji

    Twelve is a community number ~ GreyHawk

    Helping the Helpers Who Helped the Helpers ~ Glen The Plumber

    DK Quilt Guild: The Okiciyap Quilt ~ BeadLady

    TIME FOR THE BIG SHOW!!!! ~ glorificus

    DK Quilt Guild: Quilting for a Good Cause ~ weck


    Okiciyap 2013 Quilt~ DK Quilt Guild

    Okiciyap 2013 Quilt~ DK Quilt Guild

    If you cannot afford to bid on the quilt, or if you were outbid, you can contribute here:

    Okiciyap Food Pantry

    P.O. Box 172

    Isabel, S.D. 57633

    online donation page

  19. princesspat

    …..brings images of Elton Bennett serigraphs to mind.

    Elton Bennett chose silkscreen printing for his medium because it allowed so many possibilities for manipulating compositions. Bennett didn’t like the idea of creating a work only one person might see, or that could not be changed once ‘completed.’ Bennett would always use a great number of screens and colors in infinite combinations so that each finished serigraph was a unique work of art.

    Elton Bennett serigraphs depict the Pacific Northwest coastal environment and give glimpses of the working lives of the people the artist knew and worked with all his life.

  20. Finished my coffee. Almost coherent. Had a great birthday dinner at Finnegan’s Wake last night. Did mostly artwork yesterday. Today need to work on formatting the cookbook.

    From yesterday:

    Red and Gold Birthday

    Red and Gold Birthday photo RedandGoldBirthday_zpsce64fe4c.jpg

    and With Magic Anything Is Possible

    With Magic All Things Are Possible photo WithMagic_zpsd19c3d79.jpg

  21. slksfca

    …peace and quiet. No construction workers have shown up this morning. I think they’ve finished next door. 🙂

  22. JG in MD

    Do you remember the days when there was a hole in a computer or peripheral and we pressed a paperclip into it to reset?

    After all my screaming I finally got a human being on the phone at Verizon and… wait for it… “Put a paperclip into that little red hole in the modem and hold it for 20 seconds.”

    I kid you not.  

  23. bubbanomics

    have to babysit a colleague who needs a good computer (mine) for a regression analysis of 8 gigabytes of data.  fun city.

  24. So I made this quilt, and there were issues of various sorts. Worst technical issue was the bobbin thread tension on the back, I muffed it up for HALF the quilt.

    And then problems with the binding, but okay. I finished that this morning, and it’s not horrible, certainly only a snob would have issues with it.

    And I decided to WASH and DRY the quilt, just to see if the thread tension problem would melt into the layers with that. I just pulled it out of the dryer and IT LOOKS FINE!

    And I know y’all don’t really care, but I am excited and happy about it. So thank you as always for indulging me…

  25. slksfca

    The last home visit from ANYONE. Yay!

    After which I shave off my beard, in celebration of being a step further along the road to wellness. I’ve actually become fond of it, sort of, and this morning considered keeping it for awhile. But I have no patience nowadays for the need to trim and shape it into something that wouldn’t scare the general public. Besides, it’s a lot more grey than the hair on my head. I don’t have much vanity left, but I guess a line must be drawn SOMEWHERE. 🙂

  26. ceriboo

    sorry to have not been around much – between the cold, snow, sinus infections, SADD, more-month-than-money, family drama, etc etc etc I haven’t felt like writing much. I always think of y’all, though.

    All crossable appendages are crossed for two good outcomes from the Supremes!

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