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Friday Coffee Hour: Check In and Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. TGIF! Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

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Friday Coffee Hour and check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    50 degrees here, headed for a high in the low 70s. Autumn makes an early appearance. Makes me wish I did drink coffee.

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  2. 54 degrees in Madison WI, expected high of 86 degrees. I am looking forward to expected high of 72 degrees which I might see next Friday.

    Another busy day but the crunch is done. Now I go back to Help Desk duties.

    I am not sure it is Friday, though. I was sure that yesterday was Friday. Monday felt like Sunday and Tuesday felt like Wednesday in the morning and Tuesday around mid-day and then Monday in the late afternoon. Wednesday felt like a blur.

    :::tips over:::

  3. blue jersey mom

    I am almost survived my first week of the semester. I don’t have class on Fridays, but I will be doing some lab work today. We have a meet and greet with our new MA and PhD students this afternoon. I met “Lil Bub” at the Strand bookstore last night, and I bought a signed copy of her new book.

  4. JG in MD

    It’s cool, crisp and sunny Here Near DC. I am Wearing a Sweater, which makes it the official First Day of Sweater.

  5. anotherdemocrat

    Next week, it’s supposed to cool off to the mid-90s. The weather guy said, about the day it’ll “only” be 96 – “break out the sweaters”

    Eating breakfast, drinking tea. Didn’t sleep well, even with muscle relaxers, valerian, melatonin & some new herbal thing. So, very few thoughts in my head.

    Earworm: still It’s beginning To get To Me by Snow Patrol

  6. DeniseVelez

    I go – quite a few students will be out – leaving early for Rosh Hashanah…so I should have a relaxing two classes 🙂


  7. Jk2003

    Coffee in, words are starting to come out.  Today is picture day for my kindergartner so I am about to stick her in the shower.  They have been begging to watch some old Winnie the Pooh for a few days so I think I’ll let them this morning while I do laundry and clean up.  

    Going to visit my brother tomorrow to meet two new kittens that his step daughters rescued.  My kids love cats.  As do I.  So that will be nice.

    Have a great day everyone.

  8. emeraldmaiden

    Nice cool morning today, going to be a comfy temp, I think. Morning was soured a bit by a nasty feedback, but you can’t please every jerk out there. Sigh.

    So we’re going to do our shipping this morning, and then off to the farmers market. Tomorrow’s our 22nd anniversary, and we are looking for components of our special meal.

  9. bfitzinAR

    they keep saying we’re going back to summer but they’ve shoved it out one day at a time for almost a week now.  I can live with that  🙂  I don’t know why short weeks feel longer than regular weeks but they sure do.  TCCIF and all that.  Hopefully I can check back and read everybody else’s check ins sometime today.  {{{HUGS}}}

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