I post a weekly diary of historical notes, arts & science items, foreign news (often receiving little notice in the US) and whimsical pieces from the outside world that I often feature in “Cheers & Jeers”. For example …..
SEPARATED at BIRTH – two fictional characters: movie villain Hans Gruber (as portrayed by Alan Rickman) and Desmond Hume (as portrayed by Henry Ian Cusick) on the television show “Lost”.

OK, you’ve been warned – here is this week’s tomfoolery material that I posted.
ART NOTES – works by Brian Frink in an exhibition entitled Pet Portraits are at the Plains Art Museum in Fargo, North Dakota through September 22nd.

THIS IS A TWO YEAR-OLD STORY – but it seems a new Atlanta strip club closed after only one day … as it would only play Grateful Dead music. The owner cited these problems: “Every girl wanted her name to be Sugaree …….. there was one girl I had whose name was Touch of Grey. I hired her to appeal to the older crowd”. An anonymous city official said he was intrigued …. “but when I drove by there was this overwhelming sense of patchouli. I just couldn’t do it”.
HERE IS a fascinating essay in the Washington Monthly about minority college drop-out rates.
FRIDAY’s CHILD is Buddah the Cat – a Tennessee kitteh who has been losing weight via the use of an underwater treadmill …. and meows several times on an accompanying video, per state law.

CHEERS to what may be a feature film (directed by Guy Ritchie of the Man from UNCLE – one of my favorite shows from childhood. Open Channel D, indeed!
HAIL and FAREWELL to the audio engineer Ray Dolby – who pioneered noise-reducing and surround-sound audio technologies vital to the music and film industries – who has died at the age of 80.
BRAIN TEASER – try this Quiz of the Week’s News from the BBC.
SATURDAY’s CHILD is Wasabi the Cat – an Alaska kitteh who survived a fall from an eleven-story building ….. and amazingly is expected to heal in six weeks.

SAD to see that in Norway – which just voted-out its Labor Party after eight years in office – that one of the coalition parties in the new government will be an anti-immigrant party – which once counted the convicted mass murderer Anders Breivik among its members (who left because it wasn’t radical enough).
FOR A TIME the International Olympic Committee was threatening to drop the sport of wrestling (among the ancient games’ oldest competitions). But the AP’s Jim Litke felt it was a needed wake-up call for the sport, which had become quite complacent. And after making some long-overdue administrative (and scoring) changes, wrestling is now re-instated for the future.
SEPARATED at BIRTH – country musician (plus “The Voice” TV star) Blake Shelton and TV star Misha Collins (the angel Castiel on the CW’s “Supernatural”).

……and finally, for a song of the week …………… due to heavy rains and lightning, I was without Internet/cable service for a day and a half, so no time for a full musical profile. Instead ….. in honor of Miley Cyrus, I think that Devo should change the first word of its old song Jerkin’ Back and Forth to …… well, you-know-what.
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