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Tuesday Morning Herd Check-in

  Make sure you let your peeps

  know where to find you!  

    PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are obligatory welcome.

The morning check-in is an open thread posted to give you a place to visit with the meeses. Feel free to chat about your weather, share a bit of your life, grump (if you must), rave (if you can). The diarist du jour sometimes posts and runs, other times sticks around for a bit, often returns throughout the day and always cares that meeses are happy … or at least contented.

For those new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment threads grow, the page takes longer to refresh and the comment may not display right away.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, … or Meh. Just Meh. (p.s. Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does).

– The Recommended list has a prominent place on the Front Page because it reflects the interests of the Moose. When people drive-by, we want them to see what we are talking about: news, politics, science, history, personal stories, culture. The list is based on number of recs and days on the list. Per Kysen: “The best way to control Rec List content is to ONLY rec diaries you WANT to see ON the list.

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

You can follow the daily moosetrails here: Motley Moose Recent Comments.


So what’s going on in your neck of Moosesylvania??



  1. DeniseVelez

    scanning the news – for good news this morning.

    Colorado Legislature Passes Ban on Local Interferences With Reproductive Health-Care Decisions

    In a 4-3 committee vote Thursday, lawmakers in Colorado passed legislation forbidding state and local government from interfering with reproductive health-care decisions or with access to reproductive health-care information based on “current evidence-based scientific data and medical consensus.”

    Who’d a thunk we’d be still be fighting for this in 2014?

  2. Diana in NoVa

    Not that I mind. We need rain. Hi, Jan and Denise, glad you’re awake too. Now I don’t feel so lonely. 🙂

    Worked on the Beltane story last night. Something about it just isn’t…quite…right but I don’t know what it is. Will have to let it “jell” until tonight and then see if I can do anything to it. Beltane starts tomorrow at sunset, so there’s not much time.

    In other news, had a pretty decent night’s sleep! That made a nice change.

    Hope everyone will have a good day in Mooseland!

  3. Portlaw

    with rain on the way. Had a “white night” of no sleep so am a bit out of it. Hope it’s a good day for all. Now going to check the news, shower and dress and then face the world.

  4. anotherdemocrat

    60s this morning, headed to 80s this afternoon. Sunny, gorgeous.

    Eating breakfast – I like the tofu & avocado thing.

    I loved Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s appearance on Rachel’s show last night (she worked very hard not to be fangirly), and his take on the Sterling scandal is really smart. What’s outrageous isn’t that he said something mean (and weird) about Magic Johnson, it’s that housing discrimination thing from years ago – that’s what should have driven him from public life. And btw, does Sterling think his girlfriend is also sleeping with everyone she posts a picture with?

    Anyway, that “happy” song was on the radio this morning, so that’s my earworm.

  5. HappyinVT

    consider it reliable.  I think it is chilly but me and the kids are outside enjoying the sunshine and whatever temperature it is.

    About to get up and do some yard work; need to keep ahead of the weeds.  I put down a layer of unused newsprint the other day under the mulch so we’ll see how that works.  Sam did “water” a peony that I planted yesterday so I guess that’s one thing I don’t have to do.  😛

    I’m working on a cottage/English garden theme and thus far have dug out to walkways (more for decoration than use although I suspect the postal carrier will use one), planted three lilac hedges, transplanted a lilac bush, planted another lilac bush and four roses bushes, four edelweiss plants, five lily of the valley and the aforementioned peony (of which there are two).  I have four mockorange, two more roses buses, a lavender, and a tea rose still coming.  Oh, and two apple trees.  Very time we had crappy weather I bought plants.  🙂  And now I’m obsessed.  And my yard is going to be stinky.

    Now I need to go untangle Sam.

  6. bfitzinAR

    Mtgs in the morning and classes in the afternoon, so trying to get stuff done early.  Not that this is early for most folks here, but it’s as early as I get access to internet right now.  (Anybody know of a way to get cheap but consistent internet besides AT&T or cable?  I can’t get computer access to the metrics on my solar PV system without it but I really don’t want to give any more money to AT&T and I don’t want to give any money to Cox at all.  Thanks.)

    Of course I’ve hugged both my fur babies this morning – after their noms 🙂  

  7. princesspat

    My sister arrives today for a visit so the rest of the week will be busy. Thanks to my hurting foot/toe I haven’t made plans for a family dinner, but if someone else wants to I’ll cheer the on from the sofa!  

  8. virginislandsguy

    Went to Costco to buy some cargo shorts to hold my 6″ Nokia phablet, other pockets are too small. Also got the Kirkland beer sampler: $18.99 for 4 micro-brew six-packs.

    Some financial news: Goldman Sachs and PE investor Kohlberg Kravis Roberts will eat huge losses on the Texas utility TXU bankruptcy.

    This is not the ending that the Wall Street private equity firms, including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, TPG Capital and the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs, envisioned in 2007, when they acquired the TXU Corporation in a colossal $45 billion deal.

    Their investments are expected to be all but be wiped out in the bankruptcy.

    45 Billion. Wiped out. This brings a tear to my eye. Just one.

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