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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Thursday Morning Herd Check-in

  Make sure you let your peeps

  know where to find you!  


    PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary

        Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are obligatory welcome.

The morning check-in is an open thread posted to give you a place to visit with the meeses. Feel free to chat about your weather, share a bit of your life, grump (if you must), rave (if you can). The diarist du jour sometimes posts and runs, other times sticks around for a bit, often returns throughout the day and always cares that meeses are happy … or at least contented.

For those new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment threads grow, the page takes longer to refresh and the comment may not display right away.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, … or Meh. Just Meh. (p.s. Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does).

– The Recommended list has a prominent place on the Front Page because it reflects the interests of the Moose. When people drive-by, we want them to see what we are talking about: news, politics, science, history, personal stories, culture. The list is based on number of recs and days on the list. Per Kysen: “The best way to control Rec List content is to ONLY rec diaries you WANT to see ON the list.

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

You can follow the daily moosetrails here: Motley Moose Recent Comments.


So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?



  1. It was only after I returned 30 minutes later that I realized it was gone.

    If you had found it and posted to it … sorry!!!

  2. Diana in NoVa

    83 F. in NoVa.  Loved the critter photos–like Portlaw, I like them all but today’s are especially cute. A baby moose wandered into a Denver hotel room, looked around for an escape route and, seeing none, settled down to stay. This was just on “Good Morning America.”

    Agree that this would be a great day to stay away from the news! This afternoon’s project will be to get Miss Pink Cheeks to settle down so I can read Mrs. Piggly-Wiggly to her. She refused to let me read Betsy-Tacy, even though the protagonists are her age, five years old.

    Somehow have to get a blog done for tomorrow morning. By the end of a day of a day of looking after Miss PC, I feel too exhausted to do much of anything.

    Hope everyone will have a good day in Mooseland!

  3. anotherdemocrat

    Ah, summer in Texas – lows in the mid-70s, highs in the upper 90s. But tonight we have a chance for thunderstorms, so that’ll be nice.

    Soooooo sleepy. And having a mellow earworm, however pretty, isn’t helping. Eating sweet potato breakfast, drinking strong tea.

    So, there’s stuff going on in the world, right? Anything I should know about?

  4. DeniseVelez

    Never managed to take my computer in yesterday – it was raining too hard…but I’m working around the glitches.

    Sorry the ether stole your check-in Jan.

    Damp and chilly here – 60 going up to 72 but does not feel warm in the house.

    I see Google is celebrating the World Cup with live feeds.

  5. bfitzinAR

    not sure how much longer this will last, so I’m baking and filling the freezer with everything I can think of – not really true, I’m leaving enough room for the blueberries I’ll be getting shortly to put by for winter – but I am doing some baking in the evenings.  🙂  Need to find somebody who can approve several things in the approval system – the Chair is out of town until next week and I can’t get any further on just about every project I have until somebody approves the steps I’ve completed.  Old-fashioned “paper” systems had their advantages.  Anyway, hope everyone in Moosylvania has a lovely day.

  6. princesspat

    I need to shake off the Tea Party blues and focus on the small pleasures in my life today. It’s easy to let “them” creep into my head…..yikes!

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