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Profiles in Courage: Health Care Edition

I’ll keep this short and in the vein of our beloved ‘daily tubes’ but I reckon we have a winner here, h/t to TheUnknown285 and Tarheel74 over at MyDD.  Ever wonder what you might do with five minutes of floor time in the House?  Just watch this:

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) took to the House floor last night to give his take on the Republican health care plan: Don’t get sick, and if you do get sick, die quickly.

Rachel Weiner – Alan Grayson: Republicans Want Sick People To Die Quickly Huffington Post 30 Sep 09

Which was pretty darn bold for a freshman, and witty too.  Oh, but there’s more…

Then when he was challenged to apologise:

House Republicans called on Grayson to apologize; he did not. They quickly jumped on the remark, declaring deep offense.

“That is about the most mean-spirited partisan statement that I’ve ever heard made on this floor, and I, for one, don’t appreciate it,” said Rep. Jimmy Duncan (R-Tenn.).

“It’s fully appropriate that the gentleman return to the floor and apologize,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, another Tennessee Republican.

Rachel Weiner – Alan Grayson: Republicans Want Sick People To Die Quickly Huffington Post 30 Sep 09

We got:

“I’m not taking any of it back. I stand by what I said,” Grayson, a freshman Democrat who represents Orlando, Florida, told reporters.

Ryan Grim – Grayson Not Backing Down: “I Apologize To The Dead” Huffington Post 30 Sep 09

And then this explicitly unrepentant performance when the Republicans were expecting him to recant on the floor:

Some apology, eh?  And his strategy?:

“I don’t think that the Democrats have to be on the defensive for a bill that reduces health care costs, makes health care premiums affordable, makes people’s health care coverage comprehensive in the sense that they can’t be excluded for breaching lifetime caps or by preexisting conditions and helps all of the Americans who cannot afford health insurance today. I think we should be on the offense not the defense and that’s where I plan to stay.”

Ryan Grim – Grayson Not Backing Down: “I Apologize To The Dead” Huffington Post 30 Sep 09

Yowser!  Not enough?  The best is for last, it’s kinda’ long but worth the time.  He pretty much wipes the floor of Blitzer’s iconic ‘Situation Room’ with all comers and it’s definitely a ‘situation.’  Even the Rajin’ Cajun gets into the act with ill-concealed glee:

Grayson insisted that it’s the GOP who needs to apologize to America, and he called Republicans “knuckle-dragging neanderthals.”

Alan Grayson: Republicans Are “Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals” On Health Reform Huffington Post 30 Sep 09

Say what you will I am loving this.  The more oxygen this guy gets the better, I reckon.  Let the Republicans fume in outraged fury, I say, this guy speaks the ‘Mother Tongue’ of politics.

Donations via Act Blue here.  We need to keep this hero on board.


  1. louisprandtl

    1) Don’t Get Sick

    2) If you get Sick

    3) Die Quickly

    That’s the Republican plan. I like this guy!

  2. I need to see more. I thought he let a chance go by when the Repub listed some things he wanted – tort reform, open up across state lines, etc… Grayson could have said, “That’s in there, and so is that and we can talk about the others. If you have any real suggestions that will help the American people. We aren’t interested in more of your obstructionist tactics.”

    Regardless of what I think of him, the Dems need people like him out there in the news. They need to keep hammering the Republicans. Keep them on the defensive and they won’t be able to disrupt things as much.

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