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Hannity Lies Through His Teeth — Again

No one has done more “reporting” on Rightwing rallies than Faux’s own Sean Hannity. The other night, The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart busted him for re-using footage from the 9/12 rally in DC, splicing it with clips from a more recent (and significantly smaller) anti-HCR rally, to back his rather outrageous claim that somewhere between 20,000 and 45,000 racist lunatics people showed up in Washington on a work day to protest health care reform.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Beck’s Protest Footage
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From HuffPo:

But Sean Hannity and his team did more than cover the event. They not only inflated the number in attendance with their words, but actually used footage from a heavily-attended protest this summer to make this health care rally appear more popular. Hannity even pointed out that this was a huge crowd for a Thursday, when the protest footage they used was from a Saturday.

Jon Stewart and his team caught this discrepancy and ran with it, pointing out neither the color of the leaves nor sky in the tacked-on video matched that of the actual footage. They went on to mock Fox by adding more video to the interview, this time from Woodstock and the movie “300.”

The Huffington Post

As for Hannity’s response? He acted just about the way I figured he would. Basically said it was an honest mistake, when in fact it was one of the most intentionally dishonest, manipulative things I’ve ever seen from Fixed “News” — and that, my fellow Moose, is really fucking saying something. What’s worse, the dirty, sniveling little sleaze waited until the very end of the show to address the issue, after much speculation and intrigue regarding how he would respond:

Question: How many years of practice do you suppose it takes to be able to lie with that big of a smug smile on your stupid fucking face?  

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  1. And to get where he is, he’s had to suck a lot of metaphorical cock to get there.

    After a while, your gag reflex just fades, and then you can pretty much mouth whatever someone tells you to stick in it. Metaphorically.

    I wouldn’t suggest that he and Rush Limbaugh take extended vacations together to known hotbeds of underage Dominican boy toys. Because, there is no basis for that assumption. Though, it would, perhaps, explain Rush’s obsession for the touchis in his metaphors–but only on his part.

    Sean, is strictly for the ladies. Luckily, even after this appearance, Sean has maintained that he has NEVER watched porn. He just likes hanging around women who star in movies, and likewise, he only likes the smell of amyl nitrite…

  2. Hollede

    It is almost as if someone with a giant bully pulpit outed fox for who they really are…a partisan, lying, and supremely biased opinion source. Gosh, what a great strategy that was;~J

  3. in a FB debate on healthcare about a CNN article: “Heck, I even found a story on (very liberal and biased news media) blasting Canadian health care.” The article in question was the one about the Canadian woman who was featured in GOP ads and later debunked at

    I’d hate to put words in my friend’s mouth, but I’d be willing to bet that he finds FOX Fair and Balanced.  It perplexes me to no end how that is possible, I know this person (and others) to be highly intelligent.  I recognize MSNBC as highly left-leaning, FOX is obviously extremely right-leaning, and I factor that in when I watch either.  How can anyone – even if they agree with the point of view – watch FOX without considering it a “very conservative and biased news media” as well?

  4. HappyinVT

    Although I figured there would be an intern or temp thrown under the bus.

    BTW, I hate you for making me watch 36 seconds of that disgusting douchebag.  🙂

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