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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Advice We Can Believe In

Yesterday, I criticized “advice” from a Huffington Post blogger on how to bring Clintonistas onto the Hopemobile.  Today, I offer my suggestions for reaching out to Clintonistas.

First, put your money where your mouth is.  Make a small donation to Hillary’s debt relief.  It doesn’t have to be a large amount.  A symbolic donation of $10 would be enough to start a conversation with a friend.  “Hey, I am so appreciative of Hillary’s efforts on Barack’s behalf–just this week, I read that she has raised more than $5 million for him–that I have decided to show my appreciation.  I donated $10 to her campaign today.”

You’ve just accomplished two things.  First, as an Obama supporters, you’ve shown genuine respect and appreciation for Hillary by making a small donation to her campaign.  Remeber that actions speak louder than words.  Second, you remind the Clintonista that you are trying to persuade that Hillary is working hard for Senator Obama.

Second, start the conversation with something in the news about Hillary.  Don’t talk about sexism in the media.  If you weren’t talking about sexism in the media back in March, don’t talk about it now.  It will come accross as what it is.  Pandering.  Google “Hillary Clinton” and see what comes up.  She has been campaigning for Obama a great deal.  Mentioning some coverage of one of her recent campaign stops would be a good opener.  You might want to talk about Hillary’s new initiative to help Obama and other Democrats on the November ballot:  Hillary Sent Me.

Third, ask for their votes.  Don’t say, “Obama is your only choice.”  Ask.  Explain why he is deserves the Clintonista’s support.  Make your pitch an affirmative appeal for Obama rather than an attack on McCain.  Many Clintonistas, myself included, respect Senator McCain and aren’t necessarily buying the “Four More Years” line.

Some things to stay away from:

First, don’t talk about abortion and the Supreme Court.

Second, don’t trash Sarah Palin.

Third, don’t contradict yourself.  If during the primaries, you told your friend that you hated Hillary Clinton, don’t pretend to love her now.

Fourth, don’t talk about hope and change.  When discussing Obama’s plans, be substantive.  And don’t mention health care.

And if none of these ideas works, you have a trump card.  A few months back, I was ultimately persuaded to vote for Obama when my good friend Kysen offered to send me a picture of himself shirtless.  As soon as I received the picture, I just knew I had to vote for Obama.  So pass this picture along. 


Maybe it will help sway more Clintonistas to Obama’s camp.

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  1. Kysen

    You should see my ass!

    Forget about all that HOPE and CHANGE….it’s all about Kysen’s ass.  😉

    Being teh sexy is a powerful thing.

    BTW, on a serious note, I really dig Hillpac’s new grassroots program ‘Hillary Sent Me’:

    (really, much better than a shirtless pic of me)

    (or so I’ll let you believe so as to keep you up at night)



  2. Kysen

    Many Clintonistas, myself included, respect Senator McCain and aren’t necessarily buying the “Four More Years” line.

    I used to respect John McCain.

    I respected the John McCain of 2000.

    I no longer respect the John McCain of 2008.

    I will always respect what he sacrificed for his country during a time of war, but, I do not respect the man on the campaign trail here and now.

    Second, don’t trash Sarah Palin.

    Sorry, I can’t stand her.

    I would feel the same no matter what Democrat I supported during the Primaries. McCain picking her makes a mockery of what is one of, if not the, most important decisions a President is entrusted with. More so than with any modern President, his VP pick is quite literally one heartbeat away from representing our Nation. One heartbeat away from being a World Leader. Palin? Puhleeze. He put his getting elected before the best interests of our Nation….and, frankly, it disgusts me.

    Rachel Maddow says it very well here:

    And What’s his opinion of the vice presidency? Does he think this is an important job? My sense about the Vice Presidency is one thing political and one thing patriotic. The political choice has to be, will this person make it less likely that I can get elected? Yet to be seen with Sarah Palin.

    But the patriotic choice is, I’m about to do something that is incredibly anti-democratic. I’m about to do something that within our system of government gives more power to one person than almost anything else that happens in American politics. And that is the nominee picking the vice presidential selection. There’s no Senate vote on that. The person doesn’t have to be confirmed.

    That takes a lot of trust from the American people that we have that sort of system. It looks to me like John McCain traded that sort of very serious decision very cavalierly and I’m worried about it.

    His choice of Palin had NOTHING to do with what is best for our country….it had only to do with what he thought might best improve his chances of winning. Thankfully, it is blowing up in his face. Americans are proving not as naive as he had banked on.

    Other than that, though, I agree with most of what you have said. Honesty, facts and forthrightness are the best methods of reaching out to those still undecided…be they Hillary supporters, Independents or disaffected Republicans.

    Whatever/whoever the cause of your decision to support Obama (be it my offer of a pic or no), I am glad that you are on board. I am also uber stoked to have you writing here on Motley Moose. Your time and efforts on both counts are much appreciated, brother.

  3. spacemanspiff


    I sure hope it is.

    Wouldn’t want anybody to think it kind of looks like my…


    Oh, never mind me.

    Put a shirt on Taft!

  4. hootie4170

    “Trashing Palin?”

    I believe a person should be able to express their feelings about what a poor choice Palin is for the country without being accused of “trashing” someone.  It’s almost like if I say anything negative about her and her qualifications (or lack there of) for the VP spot I am attacking all women…Nothing could be further from the truth.   It wouldn’t matter if it was a male, gay, straight, black, white or whatever, the point is she isn’t qualified.

    I had my doubts about HRC midway through the primary, but I came to my senses and see what a valuable person she is to Americans.   She has done everything she can to ensure a victory for Obama, period.  If he fails to win it will be on his shoulders.

  5. mock the idea that she is any kind of a substitute for Hillary. There’s no way Palin could even carry Hillary’s shoes when it comes to intelligence, knowledge, and experience. Anyone, including John McCain, who suggests she’s an adequate replacement for Hillary is insulting Hillary.

  6. Hey Drew, I’m curious about your insistence that the “Supreme Court card” is the worst way to go about asking former Clinton supporters to vote for Obama this fall.  It’s always seemed to me to be the strongest and truest argument in favor of Obama/Biden and against McCain/Palin: McCain has promised to appoint justices in the mold of Scalia, Thomas, and Alito, and if elected he will have the chance to appoint at least two and as many as three of them.  Frankly, it’s not just about Roe, it’s about dozens of other issues on which the Court is very nearly divided, and on which a McCain presidency would be a complete disaster for issues which progressives and Democrats hold dear.

    So what’s the objection?  I’ve heard it referred to as a “card,” which I don’t quite understand–it’s a true argument, not a specious one.  Perhaps it could come across as bullying if done wrong–something along the lines of “your concerns about Obama don’t matter because the Supreme Court situation requires you to vote for him whether you like it or not,” I guess.  But, I mean, isn’t that also true?  Every time I’ve had interactions with former Clintonistas who doubt Obama, I’ve asked them about the Court, and they haven’t come up with an answer other than the assertion that McCain appointees won’t get through a Dem Senate, which as we know from Roberts/Alito is nonsense.  So why is it a bad argument . . . because it can’t be countered?

    I have no desire to alienate those who are lukewarm about Obama, and if arguing the Court does so, then maybe I’ll think twice about it in the future.  But to me it seems the strongest, most unanswerable argument: if any of the myriad issues the Court is likely to decide during the next quarter-century matter to you–especially during this time of tightened civil liberties and illegal wars–then voting McCain is simply a vote for two-to-three more Antonin Scalias.  Who has, by the way, openly written Supreme Court dissents calling for the overturn of Roe.

    Anyway, good diary, mojo’d.

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