Just another Manic Lazy Monday Sunday. I was poking about on the intertubes and came across another of the comical Bad Lip Reading clips. The ‘victims’ chosen, this time it is Herman Cain, certainly add to the laughs.
Laughs on a Sunday? Perfect fare for an Open Thread.
These clips crack me up. I don’t know if it is because I have to resort to lip reading on a regular basis (I am hard-of-hearing) and am intimately aware of how easy it is to ‘misread’ someone…..or if it is because of how, in some cases (Bachmann especially), the misreading does not sound so far off from what the ‘victim’ might actually say. Either way, they started my Sunday with a laugh….I hope they do the same for you.
Bad Lip Reading
Rick Perry:
Michele Bachmann:
Mitt Romney:
Herman Cain:
And now for the promised lesson in History.
Today we turn to Professors Fallon and Timberlake for a 3 part course on the History of Rap.
For fun, see how many songs/artists you can name.
History of Rap:
History of Rap 2:
History of Rap 3:
Having watched them all again, I now have Fallon and Slow Jam the News in my head.
So, here are a couple of them as well:
Jimmy Fallon and Brian Williams Slow Jam the News:
Jimmy Fallon and Brian Williams Slow Jam Occupy Wall Street:
In other News, I watched the new Timberlake movie ‘In Time’ this morning. John actually brought my attentions to it with a brief preview (and the trailer) of the film. It was pretty good, imo, so far as entertainment value. Some rough edges, but, overall, a pretty good flick (far from Oscar material..but entertaining). I have to admit that Timberlake has come to impress me over the years (I used to mock him and all other boy banders…thus far, he is the only one to have earned a pass from me).
‘In Time’ Trailer:
I give the movie 3 out of 5 stars.
Wazzup, Moose?