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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Nurse Kelley Sez: llbear takes his last case as a veteran's advocate

I’m sorry this is so short. My dear friend llbear just published a diary at Daily Kos that contains very bad news about a veteran he’s trying to help … and about his own health.…

If you are a friend of his, if you have any contacts at the VA, or if you know anything about diabetes and short term memory loss, you might want to read and comment.

Thanks, y’all. ♥

UPDATE: I seem to have broken the site – I can’t post comments. Now I haz a sad …


  1. LabWitch

    and will be making the calls in the morning while waiting for docs to see me.  my congresscritters are all republican (texas).  for all their crowing about supporting troops, etc., they need to be reminded and possibly shamed into helping our veterans.  my husband still has some ptsd from vietnam for goodness sake!  these people need to do the jobs they give lip service to.

    thank you for posting this here Kelley.

  2. Portlaw

    a rush of bad news at GOS…Commonmass’s partner, Teacher Ken’s wife, and now this. Best thoughts to them,  To all of you, stay well and let’s try to help those who need our help.  

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