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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely.  

  PLEASE Don’t Recommend the check-in diary!

        Fierces on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

This week’s shot is from a couple of years ago at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone. Because I liked it. Not sure what that says about me…

Building at Mammoth Hot Springs

The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

 photo Mondaynew1_zps48eea6c5.jpg


  1. iriti

    It’s 66 degrees and cloudy in the Shenandoah Valley, headed for a high of 88. Weather prognosticator sez much cooler the rest of the week.

    5 days left at current job. I start the new job next Monday.

    Yesterday, hubinator trs and I went for a hike at Cunningham Falls State Park in Maryland. First, to the falls and some lovely rock climbing; they’re 72 feet tall and you can climb alongside them all the way to the top. Then a hike on some nearby trails. Just a marvelous outing, if a little crowded.

     photo CunninghamFalls-2_zps6c8e421f.jpg

  2. Kind of in a fog today. I have a follow up with the heart Doctor this morning. Follow up with the allergy doctor tomorrow morning.

    Rest of time working on my cookbook I guess.

    Hidden Clouds photo HiddenClouds_zpsb7126b91.jpg

  3. nchristine

    rain.  No rain for the rest of the week either.  Mom’s sister is looking more and more like Mom… it was rather shocking to see her yesterday.  Mom’s been gone for 6 years now.

  4. anotherdemocrat

    Later this week, they’re hoping for some coastal showers to make it in, so maybe down to 98 then.

    I was supposed to get blood drawn Saturday, but I want to the wrong place, and if I’d gone ahead & gone, I’d have missed my workout. No blood draw today, either — I just noticed that I have to eat & go back 2 hours later & I can’t do that on a Monday. (I work in a call center, Mondays are a wee bit busy) So, tomorrow, then. Oh — and my sleep was better. Not up to “good” yet, but up to merely inadequate, which is better than “awful”. My doctor wants me to try to get off ambien. Friday night was really really awful, and Saturday night was perhaps a little less bad. Even taking valerian, melatonin and an herbal tincture called “Solid 8”. Sigh.

    There’s a free ab class at one of the bike shops at 5:30. A couple of my friends are going, so I’ll go & try it out.

    So, today’s schedule: work, ab class, no food after 8 (like I eat that late anyway). Blood draw in the morning.

  5. Diana in NoVa

    Really like the woman sitting near the waterfall (is that you, iriti?) and the dragon emerging from the mist.

    It was misty here this morning too, but now we have a cloudless sky and 72 sunshiny degrees F.

    Yesterday was a “rest day” after the barbecue we had on Saturday to celebrate Dearly Beloved’s birthday. I sat on the screened porch in the golden afternoon admiring the apples still on the trees in the backyard and reading a really terrific book called The Perfume Collector on Kindle.  My kind of story, even though no one bothered to edit the galleys before the book was published–“streets teaming with people,” “gave her free reign in all the department stores,” etc.

    The family barbecue was a lot of fun!  One niece came from Washington, DC, by motorbike with her new friend. My other niece Laura and I and great-nephew Brendan, aged three, went apple-knocking in the backyard and brought down quite a few apples. Laura took them home and will probably spend her time making applesauce and other goodies this week.

    So it was a good week last week. I had lunch with two of my Circle sisters and now the computer-diligent son of one of them is working on my laptop at his house, getting rid of the all the extraneous programs that make it run so slowly. He says it now boots up in 1 minute rather than 15–that’ll make a nice change when I get it back.  🙂

    Everyone have a good day!

  6. kishik

    Hey I just heard the decision came down on the Stop and Frisk lawsuit against the city of NY.

    judge ruled it violated constitutional rights…

    In a repudiation of a major element in the Bloomberg administration’s crime-fighting legacy, a federal judge has found that the stop-and-frisk tactics of the New York Police Department violated the constitutional rights of tens of thousands of New Yorkers, and called for a federal monitor to oversee broad reforms.

    Was kind of in a Monday funk until I heard this!


  7. kishik

    Hey I just heard the decision came down on the Stop and Frisk lawsuit against the city of NY.

    judge ruled it violated constitutional rights…

    In a repudiation of a major element in the Bloomberg administration’s crime-fighting legacy, a federal judge has found that the stop-and-frisk tactics of the New York Police Department violated the constitutional rights of tens of thousands of New Yorkers, and called for a federal monitor to oversee broad reforms.

    Was kind of in a Monday funk until I heard this!


  8. slksfca

    My internet is down, using an unlocked WiFi hotspot that popped up in the neighborhood. Very slow. Hope everyone has a great day, will be around again when I can.

  9. pittiepat

    right now we are in the midst of a 100% frog strangler.  Lordy is it raining plus scary lightning and lots of thunder.  Freshly dried laundry is in the car until things calm down and I can get downstairs to get it.  Otherwise, I’ll dry off myself and enjoy the rain on the roof.

  10. JG in MD

    posted in the wrong diary. My click goes to Saturday, June 29. Sigh.

    I have a choice of two cancer drugs for Katie, one “standard treatment” and a new one that’s for dogs and mostly untried in cats. The second one targets mast cells specifically, unlike the first. We’re thinking of asking the company to let us do a sort of clinical trial on Katie.

  11. bfitzinAR

    and can’t stay.  Hope everyone is doing well, even though it IS a Monday.  I’ll check back when I can.  {{{HUGS}}}

  12. emeraldmaiden

    Overcast, might rain. We went to Costco and Target, and came back to Rush Limbaugh on the radio. :/ Ugh, hate the Arsehole Hour. As if FIL wasn’t annoying enough, he gets refills of annoying via radio. One of these days, that radio is going to go mysteriously silent.

    Making gazpacho out of mostly our garden for tonight’s dinner.

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