Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

America: Hate it or leave it?

Resolved:  The Teahadist wing of the Republican Party hates America and wants everyone who doesn’t hate it the way they do to leave it.

That is to say, they hate the America that exists in the real world because it doesn’t conform to their fantasy America.  They want everyone who refuses to believe in their fantasy America to go away and stop bothering them with that pesky “reality” nonsense.

The more violently and passionately they shout about how much they love this country and want to save it, the more passionately and violently they want to cleanse it of everything “other” that refuses to fit within their sclerotic worldview, even if that means burning it all down and dynamiting the ashes.

So just what IS wrong with the Right these days? And some Left, too

Why?  Why?  Why are the howling negators on the Right so violently opposed to doing anything, anything at all that President Obama favors doing?  Why will they gnaw off an arm rather than sign onto anything that PBO says he’s for, even when they were screeching for it before he said “Okay, let’s give it a whirl”?

Why is there a small, shrill army on the Left equally furious in their savaging of everything the President does — not good enough, sold us out, threw us under the bus, Republican tool — you know the sad, sorry drill.

Why?  * Waves hand vigorously *  I know!  I know!  Call on me, I know!

Smiting the mighty meme machine

It’s no secret that for decades the Right has demonized Democrats as soft on defense, unable or unwilling to protect the nation, even traitors and enemies to the country.  It’s been a viciously effective line of attack, playing as it does on primal emotions, the preferred tool of demagogues.

It wasn’t always thus; I doubt anyone would have seriously thought JFK, for example, was a weakling on defense; but the Vietnam War and its hippie protestors provided a propaganda bonanza to the GOP, and they’ve been working it for all it’s worth (which is a lot) ever since.

And then came Obama, and the rightwing propagandists rubbed their hands in unholy glee.  The propaganda practically wrote itself!

A Thing of Deft and Civilly Vicious Beauty

I speak, of course, of President Obama’s public evisceration of The Donald last night at the White house Correspondents’ Dinner.

What made it especially delectable was Trump’s grimly not amused presence at that dinner.

What put the sauce on the gander was the camera glommed onto the mogul capturing the silent but seething rage with which he received his whuppin.

Mare Stare — Ruminations on an online addiction

Yes, fellow Meese — I’m back with another equinecentric diary, though not, I think you’ll agree, quite in the mold of my previous efforts.

Even worse — it’s a critter diary with no pictures!  Not even one!  You want pictures, go visit my blog (where this essay is my most recent posting) and scroll down to where you’ll find ponies and kitties galore.

It is, however, among other things, a contemplation of life and death, from an abstract yet very real angle.  Follow below the fold and you will see what I mean.

The ponies enjoy their winter

Yes, folks, it’s another pony diary.

Another pony diary — but this time with pictures!

Lotsa pictures, enough to gladden the heart of even the fiercest critic of picture-poor diaries.

High winds; high as kites horses; high terror

Yes, friends, it’s another apolitical, equine-centric diary.  

One of these days I’ll contribute to the purpose of the site; till then, you’ll have to settle for off-topic diversions, as those are what seem to flow most easily from my flying (or stumbling, let’s be honest here) fingers.  

So here goes:

Gentle Giants

“Gentle giants” — that’s a phrase often used in speaking of draft horses.  It’s true they’re massive; their muscular bulk makes them loom larger even when they’re no taller than many riding horses.  The greatest among them are awesome, their physical presence almost overpowering up close, your own puny insignificance dwarfed by their immense height and girth, their unimaginable strength.  If they wished to, they could crush you like a bug.  

And yet they don’t.  Though draft horses, like any other equine, can lose it, can panic and freak out or become enraged, mostly they bear patiently with the small two-legs that buzz about them, commanding their obedience and ordering their lives.  Working around my own two horses, a Thoroughbred and a Morgan, I’m often struck by how easily they could defy me, muscle over me, tell me “Hell no!” and yet they do what I say, go where I tell them; and they’re nowhere near as huge and strong as a Percheron or Shire, who could demolish a human annoyance, if they chose, without breaking a sweat.  But they choose obedience.

Humans are lucky drafters are so biddable (though they can take much of the credit, having bred for docility in the breeds over many centuries), and not just in terms of safe handling.  For most of recorded history draft horses have pulled the plows and wagons of agriculture and transport, skidded logs out of the forest, hauled ore from the mineheads, mowed fields for the hay that fed them through the winter, dragged graders down dirt roads, and in multitudes of ways powered the people who selectively bred them to their massive greatness.