At last some progressives are awakening to the political reality of our economic condition:
Nothing in this year’s exit polling hurt more than this:
Got that? Of the 35 percent who think Wall Street is to blame for our economic problems, 57 percent voted Republican – the party that does nothing but carry water for Wall Street.
Kos – Get Wall Street out of the White House Daily Kos 18 Nov 10
Yeah. But what makes Democrats so different? Well… Not much, it seems:
…people think there is no difference between the parties when it comes to the rich and powerful. And why should they? Obama’s finance team is essentially a branch office of Goldman Sachs and company.Kos – Get Wall Street out of the White House Daily Kos 18 Nov 10
Time to get serious, folks. And big decision time for Obama. I think Kos has got this right:
Here’s the bottom line – Obama and the Democrats need to repair their relationship with voters. They can either focus on that, and the hell with Wall Street’s hurt feefees, or we’re headed for a Republican trifecta in the White House, Senate, and House in 2012.Kos – Get Wall Street out of the White House Daily Kos 18 Nov 10
The next president will be the one who has convinced a nation of confused and angry voters that he or she is going to lead an administration which will put a stop to this nonsense, and let the chips fall where they may.