A look at a favorite TV show from my mis-spent youth – with an amazing back-story, especially as it relates to the Holocaust – after the jump ….
A look at a favorite TV show from my mis-spent youth – with an amazing back-story, especially as it relates to the Holocaust – after the jump ….
Add yet another reason that Antonin Scalia has made himself an embarrassment to the office he holds, along with any other person that possesses one, small, iota of basic human decency. Speaking before the Utah Bar Association, Scalia reportedly said:
Scalia opened his talk with a reference to the Holocaust, which happened to occur in a society that was, at the time, “the most advanced country in the world.” One of the many mistakes that Germany made in the 1930s was that judges began to interpret the law in ways that reflected “the spirit of the age.” When judges accept this sort of moral authority, as Scalia claims they’re doing now in the U.S., they get themselves and society into trouble.
How many more times will the greatest crime in Jewish history be used to score cheap political points? Scalia is hardly the first person to so misappropriate the Holocaust to make such points and I doubt he will be the last.
While Scalia is known for vitriol directed against many groups he does not like, this case is particularly egregious. It makes me wonder what evil he will not blame on those that he deems ‘activist judges.’ Of course, this is only made all the more egregious by his hypocrisy when it comes to ‘judicial activism.’ It seems that the only ‘judicial activism’ he dislikes are those cases of ‘judicial activism’ that affirm the rights of unpopular groups from tyranny of the majority. He is also willing to use any evidence, no matter how offensive and wrong, to prove his ‘point.’
I have asked many many people if they have heard of Irena Sendler. I have not gotten any “yes” answers. That’s a shame. People should know about her.
Irena Sendler died on May 23, 2008. She was 98. During the Holocaust, in Poland, she saved Jews. A lot of Jews. Probably more than the better known Oscar Schindler. We need a Thomas Kenneally or a Steven Spielberg to tell her story, too.
More below the fold
For two years the Lithuanian government had banned the public display of Soviet and Nazi symbols, but suddenly lifted the ban on Swastikas last May. This Friday a large Neo Nazi demonstration marched through the streets of an EU capital with Government permission and police escorts.
Hundreds marched through the streets of Vilnius with swastikas and SS insignia. Many people wore badges with swastikas sewed onto their clothing. Some were wearing white armbands with flames (that essentially resemble a swastika, a symbol that was also on some of the flags).
But this was no normal fringe Neo Nazi movement. Among the participants were Ricardas Cekutis, current head of PR at the state-sponsored Genocide Research Center – a government subsidised institution which tries to make an equivalence between the horrors of Stalinism and the horrors of the holocaust, seen here (on the right) with Mindaugas Murza, the infamous neo-Nazi. More astonishing still, MP Kazimieras Uoka, a member of parliament from the ruling Homeland Union faction was at the front of the March.
Something is going very wrong in Lithuania.