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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

open thread

Overnight Open Thread and News Digest

News courtesy of!

Difficulty: Gov. Palin has to pick a Democrat to fill a Senate seat. Solution: Pick a Legislative Aide who was a registered Republican until a few weeks ago, and switched for the position.

Cornyn: “If Al Franken is seated as a Senator, then (Republicans) will start World War III”, stomp feet, cry.

John Murtha (D-Abscam): “If I’m corrupt, it’s because I take care of my district.” Well, I guess that makes it OK, then.

What’s on your mind? Check out the Daily Tubes from Hollede in the thread below!

Overnight Open Thread

“Ayn Rand is to libertarianism what Fall Out Boy is to punk rock: It’s what you get into before you grow up and start actually thinking.”



The Mavrik burnishes his credentials and Open Thread

… by throwing his daughter under the bus.

Stephanopoulos asked McCain, “What do you think of Meghan’s feud with Coulter and Ingraham?” McCain first said, “I’m proud of my daughter and she has a right to her opinions.” When asked if he agrees with his daughter, McCain did not say, simply stating, “like any family we agree on some things and disagree on others.”

Now, I’m not afraid of admitting I used to be a loud and proud McCain supporter in the 2000 Republican primaries. I never really ever forgave Bush for kneecapping McCain the way he did- even if I did end up supporting the man for far, far, far too long as I watched my party and our country head towards a precipitous cliff. But if there was ever any doubt that McCain 2008 isn’t McCain 2000… if the election season hadn’t removed that doubt from anyone here- viola.

Overnight Open Thread

Ann Coulter versus Keith Olbermann- death cage match- two men enter, one man leaves- who wins?

Overnight Open Thread and News Digest

Here’s the overnight news digest and open thread, courtesy of!

Latest rumor in Nevada is that Mitt Romney plans to move to the state and take on Harry Reid in a Mormon-on-Mormon steel-cage death match for Reid’s Senate seat. I’m not sure who to root for, here.

Obama backs merit-based pay for teachers, mirroring rest of working world. Naturally, teachers’ unions are opposed to this idea. Though I would be interested in seeing the proposed metrics before getting worked up either way.

Bush was apparently kept out of the decision process when the previous administration finalized their bank bail-out strategy, sez Republican wunderkid Karl Rove. Apparently, he was busy finishing “My Pet Goat: II”

And here’s a fun graph I found hanging around a Freeper hangout. Enjoy!