Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

open thread

Trillion Dollar Open Thread

The Bailout Bill failed today, the Dow fell a record 777.68 points – losing $1,200,000,000,000 ($1/second for nearly 40,000 years) in value, the whole thing has turned into a political hot potato and credit effectively ceased to exist.

Is this good?  Is this bad?

What else is on your minds?

Pre-(?)Debate Open Thread

Happy Friday, Folks!

It is less than nine hours to the first Presidential Debate as I write this, an event that will (or won’t) be watched by what has been forecast to be 100M people and will (or won’t) be the first chance for Americans and the world to hear how the two (or one) Presidential candidates handle direct questions together (or alone).  3,000 journalists are gathered in Mississippi wondering what they will reporting on.


The “Bailout” deal is (or isn’t) coming together, House Republicans are (or are not) planning their own Palace Coup and banks are (are) still going under.

Prepare to speak liberally.

Monday Morning Open Thread

It’s Monday.  The Wall Street Times is in Full Panic Mode, the markets open in ten minutes and Lehman Brothers is filing Chapter 11.

Who said Monday’s weren’t exciting?

What’s on your open minds?

Sunday Open Thread

Happy Sunday, folks!

It’s the Quiet Day, The Gulf of Mexico is slowly draining back into it’s normal confines, and SNL would like someone to ask Palin about Dinosaurs.

What, if anything, is on your minds today?

Saturday Evening Open Thread

It’s Saturday Evening, Hurricane Ike is raining on Texas and damage is being assessed across the state and the Gulf.

Folks are suggesting we should put more oil rigs in Hurricane-prone waters.  Maybe that is some part of a mid-term energy solution, maybe it’s barking mad.


(Note – not a picture from Hurricane Ike)

What’s on your fertile minds?

Friday Morning Open Thread

Gov. Palin did an interview yesterday.  She can see Russia from an island in Alaska and had to have George Bush’s policy of preemptive war described to her.

Are you impressed?

Open Thread, 9/11 2008

Photobucket Image Hosting

I’m watching the rerun of the NBC coverage from seven years ago.  

Here is room for your thoughts.