Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 10/2/13


Who was your favorite Peanuts character, and why?

Do you usually name your cars? If so, what were their names?

Are you a jeans and t-shirt person, or something else? Do you tuck in your tees?

Are you now, or have you ever been a flirt, or just good at flirting?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 10/1/13

Happy Government Shutdown Day! Happy Obamacare Exchange Day!


Have you ever had a CT Scan? Have you ever had an MRI? Did you find either one to be an ordeal?

Are you very organized? Is your system of organization organized or haphazard (but YOU know where everything is)?

It’s International Drum Month. Do you have a favorite drummer?

Chili – beans or no beans? What sort of garnishes do you like? Do you have a good recipe? Do you have a favorite restaurant chili?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 9/30/13


Are there any roads/bridges/etc. in your town named after socialist/commie/pinko types, or are more named after wingnuts/despots/1%ers?

Do you blaspheme often? Can you help it? Do you consider it blasphemy? If not, what would you consider blasphemy?

Did you enjoy playing in the mud as a child? Do you enjoy it now? Have you ever had a mud bath?

Have you ever invented your own cocktail? Was it any good? Recipe? What’s your favorite real cocktail?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 9/27/13


It’s National Walk to Work Day. How long do you think it would take you to walk to work? Have you ever done so?

What language that you don’t speak do you wish you spoke? Why?

Have you had a garage sale, a yard sale, or a moving sale? Was it profitable?

Do you like to go to these sales (including estate sales)? Have you found any good bargains?

On voting day, how do you decide which judges to elect or retain? Do you put in a lot of research to find out which ones are good?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 9/26/13


It’s National Good Neighbor Day. Are you a good neighbor? Do you have good neighbors?

Do you and your partner/spouse have “your song?” What is it?

Are you a bowler? What was your best score? Are you a golfer?

Has anything in your medicine cabinet expired? Have you checked lately, or do you check regularly?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 9/25/13


Have you ever run a marathon?

Have you ever participated in a charity “walk” or “ride”? Which ones?

What’s your favorite one-hit wonder? (This would be a hit song by someone that never had any other hits.)

Have you been to a state fair or a county fair? Did you ever enter into any of the competitions (best jam, pie, or animals…stuff like that)? What was your favorite part of the fair? Did you eat any food on a stick?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 9/24/13


When did you first use the internet? What was your connection speed? Who was your first ISP? Where did you first venture online (chat rooms/usenet/etc.)?

Are you able to separate your opinion of a celebrity’s talent/skill from that person’s public misbehavior or politics?

What was your favorite Dr. Seuss book?

Do you shop at Aldi’s? Whole Foods? Safeway? Piggly Wiggly? Where do you shop and why do you shop there?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 9/23/13


Did you dabble in science and chemistry when you were a kid? Do you now? What is your favorite branch of science? Why are you drawn to it?

It’s National White Chocolate Day. We all know it’s not really chocolate. Do you like it? To eat on its own, or just as a contrasting decoration on real chocolate?

Were you ever teacher’s pet? Class clown? Dunce?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 9/20/13


Did you go to your prom? Did you enjoy it? Who was your date, what did you wear, and what kind of music did they have? Was it a decorated gym, or one of the lavish ones that have become a thing in recent years?

Did you ever work the phones at a telethon or pledge drive? Know anyone who did? Ever call and pledge?

What is the first record or CD that you ever bought with your own money?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 9/19/13


Will you be celebrating National Talk Like a Pirate Day today?

Know any card tricks? Can you shuffle cards very well? Can you perform any other type of tricks?

Do you pray? Meditation? Chant? Swing chickens?

Do you make any attempt to remember/record your dreams? If so, do you try to interpret them? Do you remember any dreams from long ago? Have you ever had a recurring dream?

The Twitter Emitter