On Friday afternoon, District Court Judge Robert Shelby released his ruling stating that the Utah ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.
The response was … people getting married!!
And for the State of Utah to ask for a stay, for the governor to tell the counties to wait before complying with federal law (!), and for the County of Salt Lake to promise to issue marriage licenses until the court tells them to stop.
Today at 8am MST, in Salt Lake City, the county clerks office will re-open and more marriages will take place.
At 9am MST, Judge Shelby will hear arguments on whether or not to grant a stay heard arguments and denied the stay.
UPDATE: Tuesday evening 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Denies Utah’s Stay Request
The state can ask the Circuit Justice for the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals to review an application for a stay. The Circuit Justice there is Justice Sotomayor. She can decide to grant or deny a stay on her own, or ask the full Court to decide.
We continue to wait and watch … one step closer.